COS 216: Algorithms

Spring 2024


With the exception of survey1, all other items should be completed before next class.
  1. Read the syllabus (the course web page). Bring questions you have to class on Day 2. You will sign something in the next item to indicate you read and agree with the syllabus.
  2. I would like to get to know each of you a bit. Find survey1 on Moodle and fill it out by Day 3.

  3. Find the calendar and lightly pre-read the associated section(s) in the textbook before each class. Always do a bit of pre-reading; you need not understand every detail. You should go back and re-read carefully after class. I will not explicitly list this starting next homework.

  4. Your solutions to most assignments for this course must be written up in LaTeX and submitted in PDF. On the course website, you can find LaTeX tutorials, references, and a sample LaTeX template you may (but are not required to) use.

    To make sure everything is working properly, write a math/CS joke (or an interesting fact, if you do not enjoy humour) using LaTeX, compile it as PDF, and turn it in on Moodle as hw02.

    This submission is worth 0 points. In other words, you don't actually have to submit this problem if you don't want to (but I strongly encourage you to do so). Alternatively, submit hw03 early to make sure you won't run into technical difficulties.

  5. Homework numbers correspond to their due dates (see below). To give you time to think and seek help, I will try to give you overlapping homework, posting most homework at least 2 class days early (not the class day before it is due). Always briefly read homework on the day it is posted (so you know what's coming). Your brain may surprise you with insights when you are not actively thinking about the problem!

    In particular, you should:

    • Start working on hw03 (due before class on Day 3).
    • Start thinking about (the especially difficult) hw05 (due before class on Day 5).